Two young men shot dead in their home

Two young men “in their twenties” were killed on Monday around 5 p.m. and found by the emergency services, a priori killed by a firearm, in a house in Tagolsheim (Haut-Rhin), it was said. learned from the mayor, confirming information from the regional daily The latest news from Alsace.

The two victims were found dead “at one of the two”, said Hervé Wermuth, mayor of this town located south of Mulhouse. A small town of about a thousand inhabitants.

Parents present on the ground floor

The parents of one of the two young people, who were then present on the ground floor of the house where the tragedy took place, are “in shock”, indicated the chosen one. He had no information Monday evening on the circumstances of the tragedy, for the time being still unclear. Asked by AFP, the public prosecutor in Mulhouse Edwige Roux-Morizot did not respond.

According to local residents quoted by the DNA, the young man who lived in this house was a voluntary deputy policeman, information that the mayor could not confirm. The other deceased person was one of his friends passing through, indicates the daily, according to which “an important gendarmerie device was deployed” on the spot, with in particular “criminal investigation technicians from Colmar and a section of research”.

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