Two years later, breakdance returns to Zenith with the Battle of the year

750 days have passed since the last edition of the Battle of the year. A long tunnel from which lovers of breakdance will emerge on Sunday with the organization of the 31st edition at the Zénith in Montpellier. “This will be an opportunity to see how the crews have evolved during these two years in their gestures and their influences,” recalls Thomas Raymond, one of the organizers of the Boty. “It is a movement which by its very nature is constantly renewing and self-sustaining”, continues the president of
Attitude association.

A movement that rose from the soil of cities, beyond the walls. And not just to open the doors to the Olympic movement, in Paris in 2024. “I find it very mature. It influences the choreography. For me, it would be silly not to integrate it, ”recalls Didier Théron, whose choreography center is located in the heart of the Paillade district. He regularly sees children “from all backgrounds appropriating this culture during our courses. It is a very clear sign of his place in society ”.

“A source of innovation for choreographers and dancers”

“The contribution of dancers who came to dance through hip-hop towards contemporary dance is interesting. The separation will diminish more and more over time between these new techniques and those more traditional in contemporary dance, ”continues Didier Théron. While attending the arts biennale this summer, he was struck by the play Oum, dedicated to the Arab world and set in motion by Fouad Boussouf. “We can tell that he has returned to the roots of hip-hop. It questions the osmosis between dance and music, from which contemporary dance has sometimes become detached ”. “Today, many dancers go back and forth in both environments,” confirms Thomas Raymond. They come to draw their gestures from breakdance, the alternative innovation part, which the choreographers then feed on ”.

The format of this 31st edition of the Battle of the Year, a major event in world breakdance, will be a little different from previous years. Health crisis requires, it will be limited to battles between eight crews. “This is a transitional edition, because we cannot organize female battles or one on one. Despite everything, the field is very beautiful with the international top 8 ”, recalls Thomas Raymond.

Some of the best crews in the world

Despite the difficulties related to the Covid, the border restrictions in some countries, the organizers have managed to integrate representatives from Asia, including two former double winners of the competition, America and Europe.

Crews selected on their fame: the national qualifications could not take place, as was the case every year. The Battle of the Year is the first post-Covid international competition. Despite everything, the show promises to be exceptional.

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