Two-year-old with spinal disease discovers the world in a wheelchair

Watch the video: Pure joie de vivre – Two-year-old boy with spinal disease discovers the world in a wheelchair.

This two-year-old is bursting with joie de vivre: he drives around in his wheelchair, turns in circles and laughs.

Archer Jagodzinski from Florida was born with Spina Bifida. The disease is a malformation of the spine and spinal cord. That’s why Archer can’t walk.

After the boy was given a wheelchair, he quickly learned how to get around on two wheels. A video shared by his mother on Instagram went viral.

His mother, 22-year-old Kassey Jagodzinski, says:

“It’s so wonderful to see him rolling around. He improved quickly. I knew there would be nothing to stop him – once he mastered the wheelchair.”

At the age of 18 months, she says, her son got the hang of it. After many attempts, Archer was able to move from one place to another in a wheelchair.

“I still remember the morning I had to clean his room. He had made a mess with all his toys, which he could now get himself. I enjoyed every second.”
says Mother Kassey.

Spina bifida occurs in one in about 1,000 children. While the disease affects sufferers physically throughout their lives, it does not affect sufferers’ cognitive abilities.

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