Two wolves in the Rhön can be shot – Bavaria

The government of Lower Franconia has approved the shooting of two wolves that have repeatedly attacked herds of sheep on the Long Rhön at night in recent weeks and killed a number of animals. This is what the district administrator of the Rhön-Grabfeld district, Thomas Habermann (CSU), said South German newspaper confirmed. “The farmers in our region know, as do we politicians, about the strict protection status of wolves,” says Habermann. “We are also prepared to tolerate the presence of wolves. But aggressive wolves that have learned to overcome wolf-repellent fences and prey on protected grazing animals must be able to be removed.” The government of Lower Franconia judges the case like Habermann. That’s why she approved the application for the killing of an affected shepherd. In addition to the man, two other shepherds, the district of Rhön-Grabfeld and the market town of Oberelsbach, have submitted applications for the killing.

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