Two violent spouses arrested in Brittany after the defeat of the Blues

The defeat of the French team in the final of the 2022 World Cup combined with massive alcohol consumption generated excesses in several French cities on Sunday evening. Violence which also invited itself into the private circle with several cases of intra-family violence recorded after the failure of the Blues. In Finistère, two violent men were arrested for hitting their spouse after Argentina’s victory, reports Brest public prosecutor Camille Miansoni.

The first events took place near Landivisiau where a couple was watching the match at their home. A 37-year-old man allegedly consumed alcohol during the match, accusing his partner “of not being enthusiastic enough at the sight of the World Cup final”, specifies the prosecutor. The violence started after their children aged 3 and 5 had gone to bed. The defendant is suspected of having repeatedly slapped and pushed his victim, aged 34. At the end of his custody, he was indicted. While waiting to be judged in May, the suspect will have to follow a medical treatment and respect a strict judicial control. He faces five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.

The children call the police

The second facts mentioned by the prosecutor took place not far from Lesneven. Called by the children who were worried about their mother, the gendarmes intervened at the home of a couple together for twenty years. The 47-year-old father had consumed alcohol during the football match and allegedly attacked his partner by slapping and kicking her, before pushing her to the ground. Their children, aged 11 and 15, witnessed the events.

This gardener will be tried in May for these facts. He was placed under judicial control and will have to submit to medical treatment. He is prohibited from contacting the victim, who had already twice complained of violence.

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