two teenagers in custody after a fight that left one seriously injured

A police car (illustration). – DENIS CHARLET / AFP

Two teenagers aged 15 and 16 were taken into custody this Friday, suspected of being involved in a brawl where a young person was seriously injured Thursday in Clichy-sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis, a-t- we learned from the Bobigny prosecutor’s office.

The 16-year-old victim is out of a coma and his life is no longer in danger, the prosecution said. Thursday, in the late afternoon, she had to be helicoptered to a hospital after being injured by a “blunt object” during a clash “between gangs”, according to a police source.

Tensions between minors

“It’s a fight at the end of high school,” the mayor (DVG) Olivier Klein told AFP on Thursday evening, who added that the injured person was conscious at the time of his transport by the Samu. “In recent days there have been tensions inside and outside the school with the phenomena of groups of young people,” he testified.

In recent weeks, the Ile de France has been shaken by several brawls between minors of extreme violence, including two fatal in Essonne, which have put a new spotlight on the recurring phenomenon of rivalries between gangs of young people.

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