Two teenage girls fall from a roof while riding Urbex, one of them dies

the essential
Two teenage girls fell through a roof of a former factory in Unieux (Loire), this Saturday, April 27 while doing urban mining. One of the girls died while the other was seriously injured.

A 15-year-old girl fell to her death this Saturday, April 27 while she was on the roof of an abandoned factory in Unieux (Loire). Another 17-year-old girl was seriously injured when she fell through the roof of the building.

“The two victims are part of a group of four young people who broke into this industrial wasteland straddling my town and the neighboring town of Fraisses,” declared Christophe Faverjon, the PCF mayor of Unieux.

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The two other people in this group practicing urbex (urban exploration), “witnesses of the accident and shocked were taken care of by the emergency services”, he said.

A factory that was soon to be demolished

This factory belonged to the Swedish steel group Akers which employed 120 employees before closing in 2010. The site now belongs to the community and occasionally attracts squatters, graffiti artists, urbex practitioners or people who use it as a dump. savage.

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“This industrial wasteland is being decontaminated, before being demolished,” said Christophe Faverjon. During the night from Sunday to Monday, a 17-year-old high school student, who was apparently practicing urbex alone, killed himself in Lyon by falling from the dome of the Hôtel-Dieu, from where he wanted to photograph the sunrise.

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