Two suspects indicted in the case of the cottage transformed into a nightclub

Illustration of a night out at a nightclub. – 453169 / Pixabay

After the episode this weekend of the cottage transformed into a nightclub in the small village of Burgaud, north-west of Ville Rose, in the midst of a new wave of Covid-19, the legal proceedings are accelerating. The prosecutor of the Republic of Toulouse, Dominique Alzeari, indicates this Tuesday evening that the two presumed organizers of this big evening – paying and to which some revelers have come from Paris – have been indicted and are now targeted by judicial information .

The latter was opened for charges whose list is long as a night without sleep: “Concealed work aggravated by concealment of activity and employees, concealment of theft, serious willful damage to the property of others, exposure of others to an immediate risk of death or injury by manifestly deliberate violation of an obligation of safety precaution imposed by law or regulation and organization of a prohibited meeting in a territorial district in a state of health emergency and facing to the Covid 19 epidemic, ”recalls the magistrate.

One of the organizers in pre-trial detention

Dominique Alzeari adds that the suspects “have agreed a minimum of the materiality of the facts attributed to them”. And, given “the objective gravity of the facts”, he requested their placement in pre-trial detention. Later that evening on Tuesday, one of the organizers was remanded in custody.

The party, for which the invitations were launched on Snapchat, brought together more than a hundred people, most of whom freed themselves from barrier gestures. To rent the lodging, the organizers passed themselves off to the owner as influencers preparing a shoot.

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