Two students “without a master’s degree” on hunger strike, an insoluble problem?

“Extremely tired”, “exhausted” by the hunger strike, Rabah ended up breaking camp on Tuesday morning. And hardly find the words to express oneself. The day before, her friend Iman, who was ill, was taken to the hospital at the end of her rope. The two students settled in front of Lyon 2 University and stopped eating on October 5, out of spite and out of revolt. Because they were unable to register for a master’s degree in order to continue their law studies [droits des affaires et redressement des entreprises en difficulté]. Because they found themselves with their beaks in the water after having nevertheless asserted their right to continue their studies.

According to the decree of May 19, 2021, the rectorate has the obligation to submit three proposals to all students, holders of a license, who wish to register for a Master. Rabah and Iman were rejected from Lyon 3, Lyon 2 and Aix-en-Provence. Without them understanding the reasons. “Surprisingly, my application was refused by the University of Lyon 2 since the establishment does not recognize my License obtained at the University of Lyon 3, a faculty located on the opposite sidewalk, is surprised Rabah. Iman’s candidacy was refused by a stereotypical reason, sent to the word, punctuation. “

1,400 students waiting for places in the academy

Their case is not, however, isolated. Far from there. The Lyon Academy received 1,400 student files registered on the government platform Find My Master. Students holding a license who have, for the moment, been unable to register anywhere, due to a lack of places available in the fields sought.

The rectorate told 20 minutes “Identify the places where there are still places to meet the students” by the end of October, taking into account the territorial aspect but also the sector. “The idea is to be able to allow them to continue their journey in the region”, we are assured.

The files of Rabah and Iman were re-examined last week without this leading to a solution in Lyon. The first was offered to go to the University of Clermont-Ferrand to register for a Master. The second is invited to follow a professional license in Saint-Etienne. Proposals they declined. “These solutions are unacceptable, reacts Marie Chapleau, member of the student union Unef. Not all of them can afford to move. And registering for a professional license does not guarantee that you will be able to be admitted to a master’s program next year. “

Too small staffing levels

The young woman is however aware that the problem goes far beyond the borders of Lyon. “This situation is linked to the government’s policy of closing the doors to higher education. Selective policies have been put in place over the past few years, whether for a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, ”she denounces. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree is one of the selection criteria for master’s admissions. And the staffing levels are very small. Too much, according to UNEF. Particularly in very popular law fields.

In the Lyon academy, the figures speak for themselves. The University of Lyon 3, where Rabah and Iman had previously studied, registered 35,700 applications for a master’s degree in law for 1,350 places available. In Lyon-2, more than 5,200 applications for only 255 places. The establishment has “pushed the walls” in order to raise the gauge to 269 places. “Beyond that, the rooms are full. The teachers can no longer follow. And to have additional teachers, you need money … And there it gets stuck, we blow in the halls of the university. The universities of the big cities of France are under tension. The solutions cannot be found alone. And most of them are far from ideal… ”

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