Two Save the Children employees “missing” after the discovery of around 30 charred bodies

The NGO Save the Children announced on Saturday that two members of its staff in Burma were “missing” after the discovery of more than 30 charred bodies in vehicles taken the day before in an attack blamed on the junta in the east. from the country. On Saturday, photos were posted to social media showing two trucks and a car set on fire on a road in Hpruso township, eastern Kayah state, with bodies inside.

“When we went to check the area this morning, we found burnt corpses in two trucks. We found 27 corpses, ”a leader of the rebellion opposing the ruling junta, the People’s Defense Forces (PDF), told AFP on condition of anonymity. Another witness said that “27 skulls” were identified, “but there were other corpses in the truck, so charred that we could not count them”.

Save The Children then announced that two of its staff had been “caught” and were missing. “We have confirmation that their private vehicle was attacked and set on fire,” the British children’s rights NGO said in a statement.

“We are horrified by the violence targeting innocent civilians”

The two employees were returning home after a humanitarian mission in the region, according to Save the Children, adding that they had suspended their works in several regions. “We are horrified by the violence targeting innocent civilians and our staff who dedicate themselves to humanitarian tasks, helping millions of children in need in Burma,” commented the leader of this century-old British NGO, Inger Ashing.

According to the Myanmar Witness Observatory, “35 people, including children and women, were burned and killed by the military on December 24 in Hpruso township.” Junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun admitted that clashes erupted in Hpruso on Friday after soldiers tried to stop seven cars driving “suspiciously”.

Burma has sunk into chaos since the February 1 putsch that ended a decade-long democratic transition. In ten months, more than 1,300 civilians have been killed, according to a local NGO, the Association for Assistance to Political Prisoners (AAPP), which reports cases of torture and extrajudicial executions. In response, PDF citizen militias have sprung up in the country and regularly inflict setbacks on the powerful Burmese army.

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