Two railway security officers shoot a man who threatened them with a knife

Two agents of the Railway Security (Suge) seriously wounded by gunshot, in the night of Monday to Tuesday Saint-Lazare station in Paris, a man who had threatened them with a knife while shouting “Allah Akbar”, we have learned from a police source and from the SNCF. “Shortly before midnight, a man took a knife out of his bag and ran towards Suge agents, threatening them and shouting ‘Allah Akbar’,” the police source said, confirming information from BFMTV.

“The two agents used their service weapon to defend and neutralize him. The injured individual was taken care of by the emergency services, ”said the SNCF press service. “The man is seriously injured”, according to the police source. “The vital prognosis of the accused is engaged following the two shots carried out by the agents of the Suge”, specified for its part the public prosecutor of Paris.

An investigation was opened for “attempted voluntary homicide of a person entrusted with a public service mission, apology for terrorism and violence with a weapon,” said the prosecution. According to a source familiar with the matter, he “is not known to the intelligence services”.

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