Two other students were targeted

The investigation into the stabbing of an English teacher in the middle of class at the Chemillé-en-Anjou high school (Maine-et-Loire) continues. Following the custody of the 18-year-old high school student, which was extended on Tuesday, the Angers public prosecutor’s office provided more information in the evening. “The investigation revealed that two other students had been targeted by the suspect and that the latter had prepared his act for several days,” indicates the Angers public prosecutor, Eric Bouillard. The young man’s custody was extended on Tuesday.

In a press release, the prosecutor added that “the classification likely to be retained could in the current state be that of attempted assassination and introduction of a weapon into a school establishment”. Eric Bouillard should give more details on the high school student’s motivations during a press conference scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday at 2 p.m.

No “school harassment”

Having attended this comprehensive high school for three years where he returned to classes after an absence due to illness, the suspect was presented as “laughing and laughing” by his classmates upon his return. According to the prosecutor, there was “no notion of school harassment” and on his return to class, the final year student even had “a courteous exchange” with his teacher about his absence.

But on May 23, he had purchased the knife used during the attack, which he had hidden in his bag. While shopping, “he sees this knife and he buys it knowing that he was going to do something with it,” Eric Bouillard said on Monday. The prosecutor ruled out any religious motive or context of radicalization.

Psychological listening cell

Aged just over 50, the attacked teacher is “experienced” and has taught in the Hyrôme high school for more than twenty years. “We are dealing with an injury which, physically, is extremely light” but “the psychological impact on this teacher (…) will be much stronger”, commented the prosecutor. A psychological listening unit has been set up for the students and the educational community of the high school.

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