Two months after the end of their strike, where are the former “JDD” journalists?

For some, they had not seen each other since the end of the strike on August 1. Two months later, the ex-journalists of Sunday Newspaper met at the Théâtre du Châtelet for an “Independence Night for a Free Press”. An event organized by former strikers to bring together and thank their support, but above all to announce the creation of an association.

It is called “Article 34”, in reference to the text of the Constitution which governs the freedom, pluralism and independence of the media. Its objective: to create safeguards in the editorial offices so that what happened to JDD can no longer happen. The editorial team had in fact decided to go on strike in June after the appointment as editorial director of Geoffroy Lejeune, who previously had the same functions at Current Valuesfar-right magazine.

What independence for the media?

In this episode of “Minute Papillon!” “, we followed the proceedings of this evening alongside former journalists from the JDD. With Bernard Gréco, elected member of the Society of Journalists of the JDD, and Aude Le Gentil, former journalist for the weekly, we discuss the future of their mobilization and the objectives of their association “Article 34”, with regard to the political sequence open on the subject of media independence.

As a reminder, a transpartisan law, tabled in Parliament this summer, proposes to condition public aid to the media on editorial independence mechanisms. Second strong act, the General Conference of Information has just opened. The debates, supposed to bring out concrete proposals for the future of the press, must be held until the summer of 2024.

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