Two Minusma blue helmets and two Malian soldiers killed

The soldiers of the Minusma are once again in mourning. Two Egyptian peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in Mali and two Malian soldiers were killed Monday morning in two separate events, the UN and the Malian army said.

“This morning, a logistics convoy of (Minusma) hit an improvised explosive device north of Mopti (center). According to a first report, the explosion caused the death of two peacekeepers, four others were injured, ”wrote in a tweet the spokesperson for Minusma Olivier Salgado. The head of Minusma El-Ghassim Wane for his part “strongly condemned this attack”, calling on the “Malian authorities to spare no effort to (in) identify the perpetrators”.

Terrorist attack repelled

The UN Security Council also condemned “in the strongest terms” this attack and also offered its deepest sympathies to the families of the Malian soldiers killed. The Malian Armed Forces (Fama) have indeed announced the death of two of their soldiers during fighting in the Gao region in the north of the country. The Fama announce that they have “repelled an attack by the Terrorist Armed Groups (GAT)”. The operation was still in progress on Monday at midday and the Malian army said in a tweet that nine dead had been recorded “on the attacking side”.

These incidents come at a time when the withdrawal of France and its European partners from Mali, announced in February, is leading the UN force to study the impact of this disengagement. Thursday, Stockholm had thus announced that the Swedish participation in the UN force will end a year earlier than planned, in 2023 instead of 2024. With its approximately 13,000 soldiers, the Minusma, created in 2013, is the mission of maintaining UN’s deadliest peace. A total of 171 blue helmets from this mission died in hostile acts.

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