two minors riding the same scooter are killed in Lyon

Emotion this Tuesday morning in Lyon. On Monday evening, two minors, a boy and a girl, both riding on a single scooter, died after being hit by a private ambulance, the authorities said. Rhone firefighters.

“We were called at 6:20 p.m. for a scooter accident hit by a private ambulance (…) When we arrived on the scene, the two people, who were riding the same scooter at the time of the accident, were in cardiac arrest” , explained a fire department official, confirming information from the regional daily Progress. “They died quickly,” said the officer, who said they were an underage boy and girl but could not specify their ages.

An ambulance in action

The accident occurred at 5 quai du Maréchal-Joffre in the second arrondissement of Lyon. The victims “were traveling on a bus lane and the ambulance that hit them was going to intervene,” he said.

The driver of this one, as well as his colleague, were transported to the hospital Édouard Herriot “because they were in shock”, concluded this same source.

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