two minors heard, firecrackers at the origin of one of the fires?

Nearly twenty fires broke out on Saturday August 6, in Morbihan. A total of 440 firefighters were mobilized, while two investigations were opened.

A tense weekend. In Morbihan, nearly twenty fire starts occurred on Saturday August 6. In total, 75 hectares of vegetation burned and 440 firefighters were mobilized at midday.

This Sunday, most of the fires were now under control.

Now is the time to investigate. The Lorient public prosecutor’s office indicated to France Blue only two were opened. Regarding the start of fire in the town of Saint-Philibert, the police are convinced that it resulted from the use of firecrackers. Debris was found at the scene. Two teenagers aged 14 and 16 even surrendered themselves to the gendarmerie. Heard for the first time, they will have to come back to it during the week.

Regarding those in Erdeven and Locoal-Mendon, few clues have been collected so far.

In addition, the firefighters of Morbihan “will gradually reduce their device”, indicated the prefecture, specifying that “reinforced surveillance of the sites concerned is put in place”.

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