Two million people seeking help: Many more people use boards

Status: 12/30/2022 07:14 a.m

Less food, but more people: two million people visited the food banks this year. That is 50 percent more than in the previous year. Every third facility imposed a ban on admissions.

According to their own statements, the food banks in Germany have recorded a large rush this year. On average, around 50 percent more people visited the offers than in the previous year. “We are talking about around two million people who come to the panels,” said Federal Chairman Jochen Brühl to the editorial network Germany (RND).

Relief for volunteers

The panels with their food supply were not prepared for this: “At times around 30 percent of the panels had an admission freeze this year.” There was simply not enough food and capacity for too many people. “More than 70 percent of the food banks also stated that they had less food.”

The rush not only led to great stress among those seeking help, but also among the volunteers. “More than 60 percent of the helpers stated in a survey that they were mentally stressed by the whole situation,” said Brühl.

The federal chairman also called for relief from politicians for helpers: “For example, volunteers who can prove a certain number of hours could be given a free traffic ticket for their commitment.”

Blackboards work in a supportive manner

Brühl renewed his demand that politics should be responsible for caring for the needy. The more than 960 panels only worked in a supportive manner.

However, things are different in some places: “Sometimes, boards not only support, but are already firmly calculated.” The aim was to “save the food that is left and pass it on to the people who don’t have enough”.

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