Two climbers climb the Silex tower with bare hands and without a net

A crazy challenge but oh so risky. This Sunday morning, two climbers from Lyon climbed the Silex2 tower with their bare hands, located in the Part-Dieu district. Without any protection or security measures. A feat that “Antoine Explore” and “Nébuleux” quickly
relayed on social networksindicating that they had been preparing for a year to achieve this.

For information, the building culminates at 129 meters in height (spire included). The two men climbed 115 meters in “free solo” to climb on the roof of the building. The duo had already distinguished themselves by climbing the Oxygen tower in the same way, in April 2021 under the somewhat taken aback eyes of passers-by.

The two accomplices, aged 23 and 24, were however arrested by the police on their descent, indicates Progress. They could be prosecuted for “violation of private property” without counting the risks incurred.

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