#TwitterDown : Massive problems paralyze Twitter at times

The ghosts that Elon Musk called: Massive problems temporarily paralyze Twitter

Experts and former employees had warned the Twitter owner: After the austerity measures, failures are increasingly to be expected.

© Frederic J. Brown / AFP

There were massive outages on Twitter last night – the page was no longer accessible for some, while others were missing functions. If you ask experts, that’s just the beginning.

When Elon Musk took over Twitter at the end of 2022, the new owner made cuts – everywhere. He laid off most of the employees, sold off office equipment, stopped paying rent, pulled the plug on data centers and even some servers. Initially, this didn’t affect the website’s accessibility, but gradually Elon Musk appears to be reaping the storm he sowed.

Outages of important Twitter functions

For the first time, there were widespread failures for a few hours, some of which made it impossible to use the website. This was expressed in different ways: some people were no longer able to follow others, while others were no longer able to tweet. The error messages ranged from “The tweet could not be sent” to “Limit reached – you cannot follow anyone else at the moment” to “You have reached the daily limit for sending tweets”.

The Twitter support, one of the few remaining sources for official reporting from the company, wrote: “Twitter may not be working as expected for some of you. We apologize for the disruption. We are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.” Musk also commented on the failures and wrote: “Several internal and external problems at the same time today. Should be fully operational again tonight.” An all-clear has not yet followed, although it seems as if Twitter is intact again.

Developers warn of more and more failures

For experts and especially former employees, the current events are not surprising. As early as November, developer Ben Krueger described “MIT Technology Review“, which is to be expected when there are fewer and fewer programmers and resources available for a site like Twitter. “The biggest risk is the smaller things that start to fall apart,” he explained. A Twitter employee agreed, saying it was initially “It’s just small things that add up quickly. The risk that the remaining team will one day fall short is high,” he added.

In addition to the possible technical problems, which are apparently gradually increasing, the company is facing numerous lawsuits. Former employees are taking Musk to court for non-payment, and landlords of the huge office are suing for their loss of rent worldwide – including King Charles III.

Also read:

Rent for Twitter offices not paid: Now Elon Musk is being sued in San Francisco

Unchecked Twitter chaos: Compensation ends up in spam, recipients prefer to go to court

Threat to Elon Musk: Hacker wants to sell Twitter data – also from actors and politicians

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