Twitter will be “banned” from the EU in case of violation and repetition of European rules

Will Twitter soon have to say goodbye to its almost 60 million active users in the EU? The social network, “if it does not comply with our rules, will be banned, in the event of a repeat offense, from the European Union”, warned this Monday on franceinfo Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate in charge of the Digital Transition and Telecommunications.

This statement comes after Twitter officially released the European Union’s code of practice against online disinformation, announced on Saturday by European Commissioner for Industry Thierry Breton.

The latter had recalled in a message on Twitter that the social network, led by American billionaire Elon Musk, remained legally subject to compliance with European rules.

“Twitter plays an important role in public debate, but we cannot take the risk that a social network such as Twitter will be taken hostage by the proponents of disinformation and that, consequently, our public debate, our democracy be affected,” insisted Jean-Noël Barrot. “That’s why we have clear rules and Twitter will have to follow them,” he added.

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