Twitter and our future: Stop Elon Musk – Kultur

Twitter is in the hands of someone struggling to tell right from wrong. It is up to all of us to prevent the worst from happening now.

It would be laughable if it weren’t crying. Elon Musk begs stars like Stephen King and haggles like a flea market whether King would buy a blue Twitter tick for eight instead of $20 a month: “We have to pay our bills somehow.” Elon Musk carries a sink into Twitter headquarters and tweets: “Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!” Elon Musk changes his Twitter bio to: “Twitter Complaint Hotline Operator”. Location: “Hell.” Memes about Elon Musk’s elementary school humor are easy to come by. If this school boy wasn’t the richest man in the world and if he hadn’t just bought one of the most important platforms of our democratic public.

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