Twenty years in prison for the murder of a TikToker

Thursday, late in the afternoon, the Vannes Assize Court (Morbihan) sentenced a man, aged 34, to 20 years in prison, with a two-thirds security period. He was on trial for the murder of Alexandra Cosson, a 30-year-old TikToker who died under his blows in September 2020. In its verdict, the Assize Court did not take into account the alteration of his discernment at the time of the facts .

The man was also sentenced to socio-judicial supervision for five years with obligation of care. He is also prohibited from coming into contact with civil parties, from residing in Morbihan for 10 years and from possessing a weapon for 15 years.

An evening gone wrong

The events took place on September 12, 2020. Friends in their youth, these two thirty-somethings had lost touch before finding each other again. The man was in love with the young mother, who was enjoying growing success with her videos on TikTok where she exposed her aspirations and her sentimental setbacks.

Alexandra Cosson had spent the evening at the home of the accused, described as friendly but with bad alcohol and hidden violence. During the night, an argument broke out, but the young woman stayed despite everything. Unfortunately, everything ended very badly since the victim was finally found naked and bloodied, rolled up in a transparent tarpaulin, on the floor of the accused’s house in Moréac (Morbihan).

Savagery and relentlessness

According to the culprit, Alexandra Cosson brandished a knife in his direction, which he then turned against her. He also assured that Alexandra Cosson had not died instantly, affirming that she had asked him to “finish” her. This is what he allegedly did by hitting her repeatedly on the head with a frying pan and a bottle.

In her indictment, Attorney General Elsa Casassa highlighted “the savagery, the relentlessness” of the accused, but also “the terrifying, slow, violent end” of which the young mother was the victim. “He is Alexandra’s killer. He was her executioner, her executioner,” she insisted. Maître Maxime Tessier, defense lawyer, considered that “the accused’s version has not been refuted”.

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