Twelve days before the first round, the price of fuel ignites the campaign

Three weeks of blitzkrieg campaigning began before the first round of legislative elections on June 30 and then the second on July 7. Have you not followed all the developments since the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron? Today, we quote Jeremstar who does not want to talk politics (but does), Alexis Corbière who denounces “a filthy fake” and we talk about fuel prices which enter into the “game”.

The number of the day

15,000. This is, in euros, the amount that Jeremstar claims to have been offered by a political party to, it is quoted, “do three stories and a post”. In this content, the influencer would take a photo and film in the voting booth the ballot that he puts in the envelope to “encourage his community to vote the same thing” as him. Jérémy Gisclon, better known under the nickname Jeremstar, ensures his social networks having declined the offer which he considers to be “dirty money”. And if he refuses to mention the name of the political party which contacted him, it is “because it is not his editorial line”. 20 minutes promises to quickly find out more about this information.

Sentence of the day

She’s such a fishmonger, this girl. » »

These words would have been spoken by Alexis Corbière in the ear of the senator and spokesperson for the PCF, Ian Brossat, during a meeting of the new Popular Front in Montreuil, Monday evening. The outgoing deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, not reinvested by La France insoumise, would have described Mathilde Panot as a “fishmonger”. Bad luck, the aside was filmed by TF1. And the short sentence of making the political news of the morning… before the “purged” Insoumis denies. “This montage is a filthy fake. I would never say that about Mathilde,” he said on X.

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The thread of the outgoing MP did not prevent the Internet from going crazy and it was Ian Brossat, himself, who intervened on X to close the debate of a lapidary : “I confirm, @AlexisCorbiere. I remember our exchange perfectly. Total slander. »

Today’s trend

Fuel prices are the flammable subject of the early legislative election campaign. And although prices have fallen significantly (since April), they have not returned to their level before the energy crisis. Hence a place of choice – which they share with gas and electricity – in the debates of the battle for June 30 and July 7. Proposals have also flourished, with that of the National Rally to reduce VAT on fuel to 5.5% while the New Popular Front is pleading for a price freeze by decree.

Solutions on which Francis Pousse of the Mobilians union appears perplexed, whether on the feasibility of blocking prices, or on the hefty bill for the State of a reduction in VAT, in these times of budgetary scarcity . Bercy has estimated the cost of this latest measure at around 10 billion euros.

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