Twelve activists go on hunger strike for “union on the left”

The great means to advocate union. Twelve activists, including the MEP Pierre Larrouturou and Stéphane Hessel’s daughter, announced Thursday to AFP to start a hunger strike from Friday to urge left-wing candidates for union through the “Popular Primary”.

This structure, which for a time wanted to organize a primary, is now piloting a “popular nomination”, namely a vote of its more than 300,000 signatories from January 27 to 30 to nominate their election candidate.

Top five candidates left

Christiane Taubira, who “is considering” a candidacy, and the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo have mentioned it as a possible means of deciding between the five main candidates on the left. But the ecologist Yannick Jadot, the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the communist Fabien Roussel and the cantor of the “Remontada of France” Arnaud Montebourg have said no.

“Only the candidates of the left and the ecology are aware of the climate emergency and bring solutions up to the challenges. But their divisions make any victory impossible, ”said the 12 activists in a statement sent to AFP on Thursday.

“It is still possible to win the climate and social justice”

“The left has already lost elections but in 2022 the situation is radically different: it is not just a failed election but the fate of our humanity”, they write.

“The current divisions are discouraging a large number of voters but if the rally takes place before mid-February, it is still possible to win the climate and social justice,” they believe.

In addition to Pierre Larrouturou and Anne Hessel, there are notably the ecologist Pierre Monnier – one of the leaders of the collective “Gagner 2022” who recently put pressure on Yannick Jadot – and seven activists who present themselves as “young people of the climate generation” .

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