Tweets against sadness: French fries in the office

Tweets against sadness
“I once raised the topic of office deep fryers in the company and only got a lack of understanding.”

You should always be able to fry anything, anywhere!

© Prostock Studio / Getty Images

Mondays are hard. Our tweets against sadness are supposed to put you in a good mood for five minutes in the stressful everyday life.

Have a good week – and have fun with the tweets.

You probably know it too: you rarely hear good things in the news at the moment, there are arguments on social media, and even more so on talk shows. And on top of all that, the pandemic is preventing us from enjoying carefree time with friends and family. It’s difficult to start the day in a good mood. Especially if it’s a Monday morning.

But even in the deepest Corona winter, not everything is just bad, even if our mood occasionally tries to fool us. However, the beautiful things are sometimes very small and are easily overlooked – you have to look consciously and be open to the positive. But every now and then you just need a silly flat joke to lift your spirits – that’s a good thing for those who have colleagues or friends who have a good sense of humour.

Even little things can lift your spirits

But sometimes you need a little bundled good humor to make the start of the new week a little more pleasant – we want to help against sadness with our Monday tweets. We want to make you smile and maybe even laugh at times, even when it’s cold and dark outside and we all wish we had a longer weekend. Everything isn’t always perfect, but there are always things that make our day a little bit brighter.

Every Monday we collect funny everyday anecdotes, cute animals, cheeky jokes and beautiful stories for you on Twitter, which we hope will restore some faith in humanity. Five minutes to catch your breath and switch off from all the bad news that usually plagues us all week. Because every now and then it just has to be, right? By the way, you can find all previous tweets against sadness on this page!


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