“TV total”: Even worse than before – and an attack on “Wetten, dass ..?”

Back and worse
“TV total” targets “Wetten, dass …” – and turns Silbereisen into Goebbels

The entertainer Sebastian Pufpaff sits in the “TV total” studio

© Henning Kaiser / DPA

Fans have been waiting for a long time: “TV total” is flickering across the screens again. Much has remained the same, only moderator Sebastian Pufpaff is the biggest change. The gags are as usual – and even worse.

The ProSieben cult show “TV total” is back on the air – and Stefan Raab has found a very vicious successor in the comedian Sebastian Pufpaff. With great nonchalance, Pufpaff moderated the first “TV total” edition on Wednesday evening since Raab’s screen farewell, after a break of around six years.

“‘TV total’ is finally back from the longest summer break you can imagine,” said the 45-year-old. “We haven’t been there since 2015, and everything went wild. Social media, television, Internet, fake news, alternative news. Now is the time. It’s enough. We have to come back. And now we’re going to judge here and punish for all the junk that’s out there. “

“TV Total” is pulling “Wetten, dass …” and “Schlagerboom” through the cocoa

In terms of presentation, production design and dramaturgy, the new “TV total” is a fairly exact copy of the TV classic that Stefan Raab invented in 1999. Music, trailer, show band, rolling desk and the so-called “nipple board”, with a jingle always hiding behind the press studs: fans will find all of this 1: 1 in the new edition. It is more based on the early “TV total” years without a studio guest. Fans could hear many classic quotes from the Raab era.

In the future, the program will also focus critically on influencers, podcasts and other new media. At the start, Pufpaff focused on the second major revival of this month: He drew “Wetten, dass ..?” through the cocoa and with a squeak from Michele Hunziker over a suggestive joke from Thomas Gottschalk laid the foundation for new joke tones at the push of a button.

It is also noticeable that the humor seems to be more aggressive compared to the late original show. Pufpaff commented on Gottschalk’s hesitation in front of a map of Europe with the words: “When he was young, Germany had completely different borders.” The soundtrack of Florian Silbereisen’s appearance on the ARD show “Schlagerbooom” was packed by the “TV total” makers into excerpts from other films – including the black and white film of a speech by Nazi politician Joseph Goebbels.

ProSieben only officially announced the comeback last Monday. The new host Sebastian Pufpaff (“Pufpaff’s Happy Hour”) received the Grimme Prize for entertainment this year.


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