TV tip: New Zurich crime thriller: “Borchert and the murder without atonement”

TV tip
New Zurich crime thriller: “Borchert and murder without atonement”

For Borchert (Christian Kohlund), justice is the highest commandment. photo

© Martin Mlaka/ARD Degeto/dpa

Injustice cries out to heaven, unpunished murder. Attorney Borchert is in his element. This time he appears both really hardened and touchingly concerned about his boss’s love.

A boy Woman was stabbed years ago. However, the main suspect, who was jealous of the younger woman, was acquitted in the trial. Now new technologies have subsequently proven their guilt.

But no one can be prosecuted twice for the same crime. The murder victim’s father is desperate. When his daughter’s murderer and her husband are shot, he ends up in prison on suspicion of murder.

The unconventional lawyer Borchert (Christian Kohlund) and his boss Dominique Kuster (Ina Paule Klink) believe in his innocence. In the new Zurich crime thriller “Borchert and the Murder Without Atonement” (October 26th, 8:15 p.m., Das Erste) they manage to untangle a web of pressure, disappointment, jealousy and vanity in the murderer’s family. The shots take on a different context.

The two manage to give the father back a shred of faith in justice years after his daughter’s murder. “Borchert has an obsession with doing justice,” Kohlund told the German Press Agency. To do this, he sometimes coldly bribes a hotel employee or gets a doctor’s coat in order to sneak past a police station and get close to someone who has been shot in front of his hospital room.

Borchert in an elegant suit, long coat and the ever-present hat. The brim seems to get wider from episode to episode. This means that it can always be recognized immediately, even in the reflection of a window pane. Borchert looks a bit out of time in the outfit. But his nose for where something is wrong is fully intact. He always uncovers the most absurd connections.

Fight for justice

Kohlund and Borchert are quite similar. The Swiss actor has often appeared on stage with the one-man play “In Doubt for the Accused”. In it he plays lawyer Clarence Darrow, who fights for justice his whole life. It was “a lifelong dream” to play the piece, he tells dpa, because it also allowed him to tell something about his own attitude towards the topic of justice. Borchert is on a similar line.

And then the hat. “You will hardly find me in private without a hat of some sort, to my wife’s chagrin,” said Kohlund. And Borchert’s three-day beard is also typical of Kohlund. “You always try to listen to yourself to see whether a small part of the figure isn’t already sitting inside you,” he tells dpa. If you want to be authentic, you have to find the character within yourself. Ideally, Borchert and Kohlund complement each other.”

Strained relationship

In addition, Borchert is still plagued by remorse in the new episode. In an earlier case, he had instigated his boss to spy on the computer of her friend, police captain Marco Furrer (Pierre Kiwitt). She was exposed, Furrer was furious and since then there has been an ice age between the two. Now Borchert takes Furrer aside. ” “Be angry with me,” he tells him. “Say ‘Fuck You Borchert’, but forgive Dominique.”

An emotional discussion follows between the head of the office and the investigator. But Furrer still can’t overcome his disappointment. Then, after solving the case, the captain suddenly shows up at Borchert’s caravan for the celebratory bowl game. Everyone is eagerly waiting to see what he will do next.


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