TV tip: 3sat shows TV thriller “Blutholz” with Joachim Król

TV tip
3sat shows TV thriller “Blutholz” with Joachim Król

During his investigations in the Romanian Carpathians, Hans Schüssler (Joachim Król) falls into the clutches of gangsters who have masked themselves as bears, based on an old Roma custom. photo

© Hannes Hubach/ZDF/dpa

Entire forests are not only being cut down in Brazil – this is also happening in the middle of Europe. The film “Bloodwood” takes up the topic.

“Bloodwood” starts off scary. Men in bearskins maul a man in a foggy forest. He is naked. They let dogs loose on him.

In the film, Joachim Król plays a career-failed target investigator who is deployed again for a mission. He is supposed to go looking for a missing manager in Transylvania, Romania.

The TV drama “Blutholz”, which was shown for the first time in 2023 and which 3sat is now broadcasting again on Tuesday (November 28th, 9:45 p.m.), deals with the topic of illegal deforestation.

On the trail of secrets from childhood

He never wanted to come back here again, but now he has arrived in his hometown of Brașov (German: Kronstadt). The security guard Schüssler (Król) pursues the lucrative contract and sets out to find the German manager of an international timber company. The young corporate lawyer Katja Schöne (Alina Levshin) is instructed by her boss Gerd Sasse (Alexander Beyer) to support Schüssler in his search.

Schüssler also meets his old childhood sweetheart Silvia (Désirée Nosbusch), who is running for mayor and is behaving suspiciously. The past in general: The private investigator gradually uncovers a secret from his childhood.

Director Torsten C. Fischer (“Tatort”, “Polizeiruf 110”) also co-wrote the script and tells a fairly complex case. This is not so easy to understand – also because of the many different characters.

Król (“Finally Widower”, “Beautiful”) plays a man without illusions. He seems to have lost that during his youth in Romania, which was characterized by oppression. Schüssler’s liaison with Silvia was also not a success, even though both of them now have a lot of memories. It is touching to see Schüssler driving across the country in an old lime green Dacia 1300, only to finally discover that his parents’ forest has also disappeared.


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