TV soaps: This is what happens in the soaps today

TV soaps
That’s what happens in the soaps today

“GZSZ”: Laura is touched when John asks her to stay the night.

© RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Robert forces Paco and David to take a trip to the woods to reconcile the two. The plan works – initially. Ute accuses Benedikt of having lured Chris into a financial trap. When she tries to equalize, she realizes that a third party is involved. Cecilia’s pregnancy comes as a shock to Ringo. How is he supposed to deal with that now that Julius is about to leave?

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Nathalie has had enough of Giese wooing her. The young woman wants to give him a clear rebuff – but Giese is not a man who accepts something like that. Henning enjoys his secret happiness with Daniela – until Imani’s diagnosis shows him that he hasn’t just waited a little too long with love. Leyla realizes that she cannot let Oskar go. Out of longing for him, she decides to take a momentous step.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Finally John and Laura can celebrate reconciliation after the text message misunderstanding. When he even asks her to stay the night, her heart beats even faster. Until the next morning at the breakfast table there is an ugly encounter. Emily hides from Paul that his thoughts give her a little pang. Meanwhile, Paul is happy when Gina rows back to please him. But then he starts to think.


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