TV soaps: This is what happens in the soaps today

TV soaps
That’s what happens in the soaps today

“Unter Uns”: Monika (right) feels used and betrayed by Theo and talks to Ute.

© RTL / Stefan Behrens

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Charlotte is annoyed: Simon urges her to get involved with Amelie in business. Meanwhile, Amelie sees her hotel project fail. When she realizes how in love Charlotte is with Philip, she comes up with an unscrupulous idea: her brother should seduce Charlotte to get her money! Malte submits a loan agreement to Anette that does not involve any risks for her. Anette accepts the money and thus gets the necessary credit from the bank. When the NOZ reports on her, Malte unknowingly ends up in a photo.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

After Carolin is caught by the police, Michael worries if Carolin will make it through prison. When he later meets Frau Fröbel, he confronts her and cannot believe her brazen lies. With Constanze’s help, Michael hopes to find witnesses to uncover the truth about Frau Fröbel. When Erik is surprised in front of Yvonne that Gerry is hardly at home anymore, Yvonne’s reaction lets him suspect that she has something to do with it. In a conversation with Gerry, Erik’s suspicions are confirmed and he learns that Yvonne has asked for more togetherness with him in the apartment – for her signature on Max’s list of voters for the municipal council.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

After a successful rescue operation, Ringo wants to enjoy the evening before Julius leaves with his family. An encounter with Cecilia thwarts his plans. Britta thinks Robert’s birthday present to her was completely wrong, but he has more taste than Britta thinks. Monika is injured because Theo is supposedly playing a double game. Then Cecilia breaks a lance for Theo.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Justus and Maximilian are disappointed that they could not persuade Van de Meer to make further investments. After their night together, Oskar Leyla leaves a letter. Nathalie’s momentary sense of satisfaction fades quickly.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Paul, Gina and Kate return to Gina’s parents from a short trip. Kate is very excited and can’t stop raving about it. Emily is honestly happy – her “patchwork family construct” seems to be working. Johanna uses a trick to find out whether her parents are behind the significantly higher purchase offer. And indeed, Katrin and Gerner fall into Johanna’s little trap. So she quickly turns the tables.


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