TV show: Warthog instead of kangaroo: The RTL jungle has begun

TV show
Warthog instead of kangaroo: The RTL jungle has begun

Daniel Hartwich and Sonja Zietlow moderate the RTL jungle camp. Photo: Stefan Gregorowius/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Because RTL sent the candidates of its jungle camp to South Africa and not to Australia this year, new culinary specialties are on the table. Otherwise much is as usual.

A piece of “television normality” is back: after a year of Corona break, the RTL jungle camp started on Friday evening.

For the 15th season of the long-running show “I’m a star, get me out of here”, the broadcaster has celebrities such as fashion designer Harald Glööckler, “Manta, Manta” actress Tina Ruland and “Carpet Luder” Janina Youssefian for the first time this year Sent to South Africa and no longer to Australia.

That brought unusual pictures: The moderators Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich moderated in the dark, the time difference to South Africa is only one hour. And instead of the famous kangaroo testicles that generations of campers have had to devour, this year there were warthog body parts.

Otherwise, however, much was as always: bitching when checking the few permitted luxury items that the candidates are allowed to take to the camp, self-congratulations from the participants who hope for the jungle crown or at least as much airtime as possible, exotic scenery, challenging, disgusting jungle tests. In addition to the warthog testicles, there were sheep eyes, impala lungs, and kudu penises.

“I hate smelly people”

However, dispute produced a perfectly harmless piece of tofu. Ex-Bachelor candidate Linda Nobat (this year’s jungle playmate in “Playboy”) was upset because the two vegetarians Ruland and (original sound candidate Filip Pavlovic) “favorite bitch” Youssefian did not want to share their meat substitute. She could still have a lot to do in the hot, cramped jungle in the days to come, as she explained right at the beginning: “I hate smelly people.”

A lasting feud could develop not only between her and Ruland, but also between the two actresses Ruland and Anouschka Renzi after Renzi accidentally used the towel of his colleague and was reprimanded for it. This was followed by the first tentative gossip from Renzi and her longtime friend Glööckler. Which side are the viewers on? The choice of the candidate for the first jungle test could give an indication of this. That fell on day one in the viewer voting on Renzi.

Otherwise, the contents of Glööckler’s backpack caused a surprise in episode one, as the dazzling designer had packed several push-up underwear. As early as 2010, he was offered the opportunity to take part in the show for the first time, he said. But at the time he wasn’t ready for it.

Then Corona came and changed everything: “If I’m sitting in the garden in the cold in lockdown and nobody sees me, what’s that supposed to be?” Glööckler explained why he’s there this year – and also formulated it right away Demands on the candidates of the show, which is repeatedly criticized as too boring or too redundant: “You can’t say when a bad opera is played: The opera house is no good.”


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