TV review “The Bachelorette”: “I like the way you are: you’re an asshole.”

Episode two of this year’s “Bachelorette” season – it’s slowly getting down to business. And for Bachelorette Jennifer Saro there is a real surprise at the end of the episode.

We’re back in Thailand, where “Bachelorette” Jennifer will now get to know the 18 single men that RTL cobbled with her. We have now learned that the 27-year-old already has a little son, we find her very likeable in principle … but can’t quite stop staring at her somewhat full lips. Nasty somehow, everyone should do what they want. sorry But it’s kind of distracting.

With her friend and babysitter Melli, Jenny is initially allowed to chat about the first “Night of the Roses”. Her summary is a bit cute: “Everyone was like, ‘Wow! Nice dress!'” The bachelorette is happy in the retrospective about the men’s accurate taste in fashion. She gets another letter from Melli, written from the perspective of her son, who brings tears to Jenny’s eyes.

The men move into their new home

Meanwhile, the men move into their villa. They are received by Buddhist monks. “Three people are standing in front of you, all orange,” reports long-haired Kaan from Duisburg, confused. The singles are blessed, but not all can remain serious about it. Are just partly teenagers in the bodies of adults. Otherwise, the villa is well received: “I actually only know that from Instagram,” praises Baro. And Oguzhan is happy about the contents of the refrigerator: “Apple juice, pineapple juice, everything is there! Nice: They have shrimp too!”

And not even boredom arises – because dad-type David decides to recite a poem to the assembled team. Yes. A poem. In the humorous verses, he pokes fun at the supposed weakness of each candidate, and all the men can’t keep themselves from slapping their thighs. Wow, David is probably the hit at every 70th birthday! In the evening, a few of the boys then amusingly gossip about the poet: “Body Klaus” David seems somehow “retro”, he is “maybe 25, but behaves like that, talks and dresses like a 50-year-old.” Not entirely wrong.

Group date with maggot snacks

Then it’s time for serious dating. First of all, Mike, Julian, Kaan, Gianluca, David, Adrian and Fynn are invited. Jenny meets the boys at the local night market, where the culinary offerings include… insects, in addition to the usual delicious Thai dishes. “These things are super tough,” Kann mosert. “At least shave them!” At least Jenny sets a good example and even gives herself a fried grasshopper. But she is not enthusiastic.

Then the bachelorette chats with Adrian, the two flirt diligently. There is actually laughter. “I like the way you are,” says Adrian. “You’re an asshole!” Luckily accepts Jenny as the compliment that it probably is. Fynn reveals himself to be “vain” and admits his “mania for cleaning”. Gianluca reports on his father, who died of lung cancer last year.

Baro, stable guy

In the meantime, the remaining candidates are served a few spicy snacks in the villa, which almost everyone doesn’t particularly like, probably because Jenny isn’t watching. Baro can’t stand to watch and resolutely grabs a chili, which he swallows in one bite. But he quickly regrets it and sweats half a liter of milk afterwards. “Jenny doesn’t make herself sympathetic here at all,” he whispers suffering, with a dog’s eyes. Nevertheless, respect for the action. stable man.

An invitation to the first individual date – even before the group date is even over – does not come for Baro, but for Jesaia. The two relax on a floating couch in the pool surrounded by candles. The bachelorette is kidding Jesaia for his Swabian accent, otherwise it harmonizes quite well with the two. Only the fact that he is still a student and lives in a flat share seems to bother her somehow.

Jenny lets the men fidget

The following morning, Jenny visits the men’s villa in a skimpy sports outfit – to do sports training with them. “Yes, wow, Jenny is here! She just walked into the house!”, Alex marvels, as if it were a supernatural event. But the gentlemen are about as keen on the Bachelorette’s strict training instructions as they were on the spicy snacks before… so not really. Only two or three musclemen see their chance.

During the chat that follows, Jenny immediately asks if anyone lives in a flat share. And adds emphatically: “Well, I could never share a flat with anyone!” And makes a face. After the date with Jesaia, she seems to be really concerned about the topic… Then, to the displeasure of the others, Baro takes over the conversation. But why it annoys everyone is questionable – the 25-year-old praises the competitors with really nice words. But again it’s not him who gets a single date. But Alex.

Surprising result in the rose award

While the guys in the villa’s pool are yelling at each other for no reason, cook Alex (somehow he makes us resentful, but we can’t say exactly why yet) has to slackline with Jenny at dizzy heights. After all, Alex reveals that he doesn’t tolerate a lot of alcohol because then he tends to cuddle – “I’m such a cuddler.” We think that’s really cute. Also, he seems very nervous. He babbles weird, cute stuff and we sympathize every second. Who does not know that? The Bachelorette, on the other hand, shows less understanding. However, she acknowledges Alex’s overcoming with a preliminary rose.

And then the question of roses also arises for the other candidates. But before that there’s a surprise: A new competitor joins them, Kinan comes from Syria and enters the Night of Roses with his guitar in his luggage. Accordingly, he still enjoys puppy protection in today’s (R) selection. The rest of the troupe sweats nervously while Jenny hands out her flowers. Especially daddy guy David and our secret favorite Baro think they’re going to get it on. But that’s not the case: Of all people, the fit Mike and the sovereign Julian have to go. In both cases, because they already have experience with single moms – because Jenny is explicitly looking for a boyfriend, not a dad replacement for her child.

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