TV presenter: Christmas burglary at Verona Pooth: damage in the millions

TV presenter
Christmas burglary at Verona Pooth: damage in the millions

There was a break-in at Verona Pooth on Christmas Eve. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

When the house of Verona Pooth and her family was broken into, the perpetrators stole a safe and a car, among other things. The stolen goods are gone.

When the TV presenter Verona Pooth broke into his villa on Christmas Eve, the thieves caused damage of around one million euros. The German Press Agency found out. The “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” had previously reported.

According to the investigation – which is based, among other things, on surveillance videos – a four-man gang broke into the Pooths’ house in the Düsseldorf suburb of Meerbusch. Among other things, the burglars took away a safe, which they packed into a small family car. According to the police, the safe and car have not turned up again to this day. The case has since been passed on to the public prosecutor. A spokeswoman for the agency declined to comment on the extent of the damage.

Verona Pooth had told the “Bild” newspaper that her younger son (10) had still not processed the act. The family ran into the burglars.

According to information from the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, the State Criminal Police Office is still evaluating DNA traces from the crime scene. This would at least clarify whether it was a serial offender: according to the police, there had been several burglaries in the neighborhood around Christmas. According to Pooth’s information, a family friend was caught, among other things.


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