TV entertainment: More «Wetten, dass ..?»: Thomas Gottschalk skeptical

TV entertainment
More «Wetten, dass ..?»: Thomas Gottschalk skeptical

Thomas Gottschalk at the anniversary show of “Wetten, dass ..?” in Nuremberg. Photo: Daniel Karmann / dpa

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After the immense success of the second with a special edition of the classic show on Saturday evening, those responsible do not seem to rule out a continuation. But everything is still open.

Showmaster Thomas Gottschalk (71) is despite the success of the special edition of “Wetten, dass ..?” skeptical whether there will be a sequel.

«I didn’t expect this great rate. I don’t think ZDF will change its plans. If you ask me, I’ll start thinking, “said the moderator on Monday,” Bild “. The anniversary episode of the ZDF classic had reached 13.8 million viewers on Saturday evening.

The station’s program director, Norbert Himmler, announced the next day: “We are very happy about the great success of the anniversary edition. A sequel was never actually planned. In view of the great response, we will certainly think about it again. “

«Wetten, dass ..?» – Inventor Frank Elstner had already spoken out in favor of a sequel during the show in Nuremberg. In an interview with “Bild”, Gottschalk found warm words for his predecessor: Elstner had “a great kindness of heart”. And further: “He treats me to everything. He’s not a bit jealous of me, although he could say he gave me his inheritance too early. “


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