Türkiye: One year after the earthquake, their lives are in ruins. Now they want to go to Germany. But how?

After the earthquake on February 6, 2023, the Soya family considered leaving their Turkish homeland. She decided against it. But the state left them alone. A year later she gave up hope. And I want to visit my relatives in Germany better today than tomorrow.

There are, says Gülcan Soya, only a few moments in life when you really need the help of the state. February 6, 2023 was such a day, the first ever. But the Turkish state was not there.

Not on this early Monday, when outside, in the dark of the morning, the snow was storming, and inside, in the Soyas’ living room, the stove suddenly fell over and the whole family was thrown across the room. The earth beneath their feet trembled at a magnitude of 7.8. And not even in the weeks and months afterwards, when help would have been so urgently needed.

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