Tuesday, August 29, 2023 horoscope

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Beautiful day to receive help, a little boost from your relationships. Unless it is you who are asked to help someone or a group. The groups precisely, as well as the associations to which some belong will be a subject of discussion or reflection, but beware of disputes if you are from the 1st decan. With Mars opposing you, it’s best to avoid power struggles.


The presence of Jupiter in your 2nd decan is activated today, so beware because, as you know, Jupiter amplifies everything. And it runs the risk of amplifying the anxieties that you often have for details that are minor at first, but of which you make a mountain… Don’t project yourself too much into a future where everything would go wrong, and if something something in reality is bothering you, talk to someone about it; a friend who will know how to calm you down.


Only good impulses today for most of you! But the palm goes to the 2nd decan, with the Moon and Venus who look at him with benevolence. You will feel confident with one of your loved ones, a brother, a sister, or even a flirt with whom you have developed a bond… If this is the case, you will think of this person, or have feelings about them. news, and you will experience real pleasure from it (especially born around June 3.


3rd decan, the good aspects sent to you by Uranus and Neptune are activated between today and tomorrow. With Uranus, it’s a progression in your personal development, an openness to newness, and for Neptune an amplification of your intuition, your compassion and your desire to connect with something greater. . The mysteries of the universe or the soul can also be a focus.


We’ll need you, your attention, so don’t act like you didn’t get it. You may not be asked anything, but you will “feel” that something is expected of you. Whatever the area concerned, emotional or professional, respond to the request and you will be completely at peace with yourself. 2nd decan in particular, born around August 5, you may have met someone: don’t just talk about yourself, also listen to the other person’s story.


Work, in all its forms, is at the forefront and you will have to adapt to a new method, or to the arrival of new colleagues. Don’t panic please! Everything will be fine, even if Mercury is retrograde and you remain on the reserve until it is direct on September 16th. But it may be a good thing to take your time to observe others well and only make a judgment afterwards.


You have two good influxes today, one from the Moon which will boost your imagination and your creativity (2nd decan), as well as that of Jupiter in Taurus which emphasizes, which even amplifies, everything related to your productivity. What you do will pay you back, either in fame or financially. These are surely details, imperceptible to others, but which you will consider positive for you.


An excess of sensitivity, very temporary, can destabilize you and have an impact on your moods. Plan for ups and downs, especially 2nd and 3rd decan. 2nd decan, you will tend to amplify what you feel, to give it too much space. 3rd decan, it is probably because you have a choice to make that you will be tormented (born around November 8). But the origin of your moods can also come from couple problems (born around November 16).


It will annoy you deeply to have to follow orders, to respect a discipline or schedules, but you will not be able to do anything about it and it will be better to keep your feeling of revolt for you. Or, do some activism and get other people behind you who will agree with your ideas and your criticism of the directives given to you. But take the time to think about the consequences of your actions.


With the Moon in Aquarius until tomorrow afternoon, money matters will be one of your main concerns. Nothing major, but it looks like you’re the one taking the situation too seriously. That said, if it’s a back-to-school season and it’s bigger than you thought, we understand that you’ll think about it a lot! Maybe it will allow you to treat yourself to something you dream of?


The Moon crosses your sign, like every month, and connects with Venus. If you are from the 2nd decan, meetings being the order of the day, as well as agreements and disagreements, you will be sensitive to the attitude of others towards you, especially in your workplace. Someone might be very nice to you and even send you signals that he or she is interested in you. Born around February 1, pay attention.


You will be very dreamy, imaginative, and creative. The scenario(s) you will build will transport you to a world that will be very different from reality, but it seems that you will need this change of universe to feel good. This will allow you to express the desires that are within you and that do not find an outlet in your daily life where routine dominates and where some people feel alone (especially in the 1st decan).

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