Tucker Carlson plays down the storming of the Capitol – media – SZ.de – Süddeutsche Zeitung – SZ.de

  1. Tucker Carlson plays down the storming of the Capitol – media – SZ.deSüddeutsche Zeitung – SZ.de
  2. Fox moderator shows videos of the Capitol attack – and causes indignationWEB.DE News
  3. Fox News host Carlson outraged with video compilation of the storming of the US CapitolTHE MIRROR
  4. Tucker Carlson: New footage and old myths about January 6thNew Zurich newspaper – NZZ
  5. Videos from the Capitol Storm: Statements by Fox moderators outrage even RepublicansFAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  6. See more on the topic in Google News

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