TSV 1860 Munich: President Reisinger answers investor Ismaik – Sport

For a long time, Hasan Ismaik communicated or had communicated primarily via his social media channels. A few days ago, however, the investor of TSV 1860 Munich contacted the SZ in person again. There is a lot to talk about in the power struggle between investors and eV, which has escalated again, i.e. between the shareholders of the third division soccer team: the dismissal of coach Michael Köllner, which angered Ismaik, the future of the stadium, the fans’ criticism of his Munich governor Anthony Power and much more.

eV President Robert Reisinger said it was great to hear directly from Ismaik again: “It’s nice that Mr. Ismaik seems to want to take care of his investment in 1860 again,” says Reisinger of the SZ, “we regret it only that he didn’t choose to address him personally.”

Well, maybe there will be a meeting soon, Reisinger emphasizes: “We’ll be happy if Mr. Ismaik comes back to Munich and presents his plans and ideas for the stadium project to us and the city.” Anyone who finds the irony can keep it, because there are hardly any concrete plans for such a project, and the last attempt to build a stadium – back then in Riem – ended with Ismaik’s vision of a stadium for 50,000 people as well as a lion zoo to build. And ultimately without a zoo and without a stadium.

Reisinger also shows a certain smugness when it comes to the governor Power. Ismaik explained the protests by saying that “Mr. Power’s effectiveness annoys certain people who are used to acting unchallenged.” According to Ismaik, these people, in the eV and/or the management, incite the fans to protest. Reisinger replies that he “unfortunately cannot determine the effectiveness praised by Mr. Ismaik. With Mr. Power, it can be said that well-intentioned often ends in badly done. On WhatsApp, he even misspelled my last name.” Power called Reisinger “Mr. Resigner” there – but it is questionable whether it was a typo. “Mr. Resigner” means “Mr. Resigner” in English.

“How much power is there in the team?” Asks Reisinger

It is – in addition to the argument who is allowed to produce fan articles and how – in particular Power’s tone and his presence in day-to-day business that annoys the fans. The deputy of the investor has “every right to information about what is happening in the KGaA,” emphasized Reisinger, “but none for the operative – this is the sole responsibility of the managing directors appointed by both shareholders as well as the supervisory board and advisory board.”

However, the President obviously assumes that Power is constantly involved in personnel issues, for example, and has also made his own suggestions: “After Mr Power was praised in the summer for helping to put together the squad, the question arises: how much power is there on the team?” And what part the governor has in the current situation, “especially when you consider that Mr. Power likes to be in the cabin”.

Likes to be in the crew cabin and has regularly published English-language sayings: Anthony Power, deputy to investor Hasan Ismaik.

(Photo: Ulrich Wagner/Imago)

Ismaik had demanded that the management take action against the protests against Power, which are presented in the fan block on posters and in songs. The eV executive committee “has already expressed several times that we don’t like to see the flags in the stadium”. But they are “an expression of the freedom of expression of our fans and members”. Requests from club officials are not necessary, the fans have “themselves a keen sense of what moves them and want to name them,” said Reisinger, who does not deny his proximity to the curve.

Reisinger emphasizes that Power’s “cryptic Instagram posts” are not helpful in the matter either. The governor had periodically published aphorisms in English that could be applied to the situation at Sixty. For example: “The problem with opinions – even idiots can have them.” Or, “I don’t mind if people talk shit about me. I was raised to flush shit down the toilet, not play with it.” As a threat, some felt the sentence: “Just because the beast is not to be seen does not mean that the beast is not there. Be careful!”

President Reisinger is far from resigning

Ismaik had also emphasized that when dealing with criticism, the eV used a double standard – because the Presidium had asked the management to take action against hate entries against eV representatives on the Internet. Reisinger cannot understand the comparison, he “is of the opinion that it makes a big difference whether flags are waved in the stadium or whether volunteers are personally insulted, defamed and even asked to commit suicide in the worst possible way”. In a blog, the writers would even be “protected by the operator” and “don’t have to accept any responsibility”. The eV therefore asked the management to take action against it.

In any case, Reisinger is far from resigning, just as Power is determined to continue working on Grünwalder Straße. It would be time for the shareholders to draw up a budget for the coming season and to consider whether sports director Günther Gorenzel should plan the upcoming squad or whether – as Ismaik wanted – he should be released. Then it would mean, if necessary, to find a successor. But at sixty, there isn’t much time for football at the moment.

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