TSV 1860 Munich: Dirty Thursday – Sport

Of course, it caused some amusement that the supervisory board meeting of TSV 1860 Munich took place on “nonsensical Thursday”, as the Thursday before the carnival weekend is called in Bavaria. In the Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht, on the other hand, it is called “Dirty Thursday”, which fits at least as well with a supervisory board meeting at the Giesinger third division football team. A new coach should be selected, which is actually not such an unusual process in a football club. And on the so-called shortlist by sports director Günther Gorenzel, Achim Beierlorzer also found a candidate who was quite capable of making compromises for the traditionally divided shareholders, the eV and the investor side around Hasan Ismaik. But a new trainer could not be announced on Friday.

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