Trump trial on attempted voter fraud begins the day before “Super Tuesday” – Politics

The trial against Donald Trump for attempted voter fraud in Washington started exactly one day before “Super Tuesday”, the primary election date in populous US states such as Texas and California: The responsible federal judge Tanya Chutkan laid at a hearing on Monday in the US capital set March 4, 2024 as the date, like that Washington Post and the television station CNN unanimously reported from the meeting.

The former US President has thus failed in his attempt to keep a process of allegedly attempted election manipulation out of the upcoming election campaign for the White House. His lawyers had requested that the court proceedings not start until April 2026. “Mr. Trump will have to meet the trial date regardless of his schedule,” Chutkan said.

It is one of four trials facing the Republican presidential candidate. The 77-year-old has also been charged with various allegations in New York, Miami and Atlanta. Federal charges have been brought against him in Washington for his efforts to retrospectively overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Trump lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden at the time, but to this day he has not admitted his defeat. Instead, Trump then tried in various ways to turn the election result later. His campaign against the outcome of the election culminated in an unprecedented violent attack by his supporters on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The indictment charged Trump with four formal charges, including conspiracy against the United States. If convicted, he could face a long prison sentence.

Georgia voter fraud: indictment on September 6th

According to media reports, the reading of the indictment against former US President Donald Trump in another case – it is about attempted election fraud in the state of Georgia – is scheduled for the coming week. Several US media, including the broadcasters CNN and CNBC, reported on Monday, citing court documents, that the date for this was September 6th. Trump and the other 18 suspects in the case were to be presented with their respective allegations that Trump was first in line that day.

At such appointments, suspects usually have the opportunity to plead “guilty” or “not guilty”. CNN reported that it was still unclear whether Trump would have to appear in person for the court in Atlanta. In Georgia, Trump is charged with 18 other suspects over his attempts to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in the state.

Trump had already had to appear at the Atlanta County Jail last Thursday to formally present himself to the authorities and have his personal details recorded. A mugshot of the Republican presidential candidate was also taken there. The historically unique picture of the 77-year-old went around the world. Trump is the first ex-President of the United States to be immortalized in a mugshot. Before Trump, a former president had never before been tried in court for a crime. He denies all allegations.

In the US, a new president will be elected in early November 2024. Trump wants to run again for the Republicans. In order to ultimately become the party’s presidential candidate, he must first prevail in internal primaries that begin in January 2024. On March 5, 2024, the so-called “Super Tuesday” is coming up: on that day there will be elections in 14 states – including in populous California and Texas. So far, Trump is far ahead of all other Republican presidential hopefuls in polls.

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