Trooping the Color 2024: Will King Charles take part on horseback?

Trooping the Color 2024
Is King Charles taking part on horseback?

King Charles III wants to take part in Trooping the Color on horseback.

© ddp images

King Charles III Despite his cancer, he wants to take part in the Trooping the Color military parade on his favorite horse.

King Charles III, who was suffering from cancer. (75) plans to attend the Trooping the Color military parade in June on his favorite horse, Noble. This is what “Mail Online” reports. He wanted to “lead” the parade, which could be seen as a positive sign to the population after the shock diagnosis. However, his participation on horseback is not yet guaranteed, as doctors continue to urge caution.

Last year, Noble, a black mare who was a gift from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, was a bit playful during the parade from Buckingham Palace up the Mall. That and the weather on parade day should play a role in the doctors’ final decision.

First public appearance is coming up

Meanwhile, with the blessing of his doctors, Charles’ official return to the public is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday. He will visit a cancer treatment center with Queen Camilla (76).

The 75-year-old king is still receiving treatment for his own illness, but his medical team is reportedly “pleased with the progress so far.” Buckingham Palace announced plans on Friday for its first public event in four months. The visit is expected to be particularly poignant given his and his daughter-in-law’s battle with cancer.

Two pieces of bad news

After King Charles III. After being discharged from a London clinic after prostate surgery, the palace announced around three months ago that appropriate tests had independently diagnosed cancer. The British monarch immediately sought treatment and, on the advice of his doctors, he no longer performed any public duties.

According to British media reports, Charles is still undergoing treatment but is being encouraged to take on some public roles. However, appointments would be partially adjusted if necessary in order to minimize risks as part of further recovery.

Princess Kate (42) is undergoing preventative chemotherapy for an unknown cancer.


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