Trip to Italy: The village of Campo on Lake Garda – trip

No road, no running water and only five residents: the small Italian village of Campo on Lake Garda only attracts a few creative people – and people who just want to be quiet.

It rumbles and rocks violently when Giacomo Simonelli drives up to Campo from his home in Marniga di Brenzone once or twice a week. One of the five special permits for the automobile use of the bumpy mule path that leads up to Campo is issued on his aging all-wheel-drive Panda. Only the first 700 meters are paved, then it goes steeply uphill over hill and dale. A modern SUV would have the necessary horsepower, but would be far too wide for the narrow, rocky road. 200 meters in altitude have to be mastered. Hikers can walk the route from the lakeshore in just over 30 minutes. It leads through olive groves and past natural stone walls on which dozens of lizards warm themselves in the sun. And in between there are always wonderful views of Lake Garda.

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