Trigger sneezing: 3 simple tricks

Trigger sneezing: 3 simple methods that help quickly and effectively

There are various reasons why you sometimes want to sneeze. Sometimes you just want to clear irritants from your nose or respiratory tract. In other cases, sneezing can help clear a stuffy nose or clear mucus from the airways. This 3 simple methods help quickly and effectively:

1. Blow your nose

The Blowing your nose can trigger the sneezing reflex because it irritates the nasal mucosa. However, be sure to blow your nose gently so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.

2. Change brightness

Sudden changes in light can trigger the sneezing reflex. Try going from a light room to a dark room or vice versa.

3. Pull the nostrils

Gently pull on the nostrilsto irritate the nasal mucosa. This can trigger the sneezing reflex.

Additional tips:

  • Smell pepper: The pungent smell of pepper can irritate the nasal mucosa and cause sneezing.
  • Looking into the sun: Bright sunlight can trigger the sneezing reflex in some people.
  • Hold a feather to your nose: A feather or other soft object can tickle the nasal lining and cause sneezing.

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