Trials: Five police officers in court for assault while on duty

Five police officers in court for assault while on duty

The defendants and their lawyers are waiting for the trial to begin. photo

© Federico Gambarini/dpa

During a police operation, they are said to have brought a then 59-year-old man to the ground with a handle, kicked him and hit him. Five police officers in Cologne are now on trial.

Because of communal dangerous Five police officers have been standing before the Cologne district court since Thursday for assault in the office. According to the prosecution, the men between the ages of 25 and 42 are said to have brought a then 59-year-old man to the ground, punched and kicked him during an operation in the Bickendorf district in 2021. According to the indictment, the measure was not covered by criminal or police law. The five officers have been suspended from duty since November 2021.

On the sidelines of a police operation, the 59-year-old had a verbal argument with two of the accused officers, according to the public prosecutor. But “instead of de-escalating or leaving,” the officers surrounded the man. They are then said to have attacked him with “a lever grip on the head”, brought him to the ground and tied him up. The man was also kicked and hit his head against a pillar.

Two months later the man dies

The 59-year-old is said to have suffered broken ribs and a laceration to his head during the operation. He died two months later. However, the public prosecutor’s office obviously does not see a causal connection between the injuries sustained and the man’s death, otherwise bodily harm in office resulting in death would be charged.

The indictment also accuses two officers of having written a false report following the incident, including for resisting law enforcement officers, insults and threats. A defendant is also said to have passed on information from the police computer to third parties without authorization in four cases. The defendants are German citizens. The trial is scheduled to take ten days until the end of November.


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