Trial of firefighter accused of rape and attempted murder held behind closed doors

At the request of one of the civil parties, the trial of the professional firefighter tried before the Gironde Assize Court, from this Monday, for rape and attempted murder will be held with a partial closed session which excludes the hurry.

It was Lenaïg Hamon, counsel for the victim of the attempted murder, who requested this closed session, explaining that his client is in “a state of health, and in particular psychological, catastrophic, which is a reflection of her traumas “. The young woman victim of rape, who could have requested a closed session, was not in favor of it and asked her lawyer to oppose it.

Since the two civil parties did not agree, the President of the Assize Court decided, after deliberating with his assessors, to grant the request for a closed session, citing a context of sexual violence present on the two facts, which date back to June and December 2017. The accused, a 46-year-old man with a slender silhouette, simply declined his identity in a small voice. He has been incarcerated in the Gradignan remand center since October 3, 2019 and will be fixed on his fate this Friday.

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