Trial: Nurse raped and killed: Life imprisonment

Nurse raped and killed: Life imprisonment

A man was convicted of murder in the Münster district court. photo

© Guido Kirchner/dpa

Out of love, a 31-year-old man forces his ex-colleague into her apartment. He then rapes her, torments her and finally violently ends her life. Now he’s sentenced.

The Münster jury has sentenced a 31-year-old man from Ennigerloh in North Rhine-Westphalia to life imprisonment for murder. In November 2022, the German attacked a former work colleague at her front door, pushed him back into the apartment and killed him there.

According to the court, the act was marked by a particular cruelty. Before he strangled the nurse, the accused is said to have tortured and raped her for hours. In the verdict, the court also accepted the murder characteristics of insidiousness and satisfaction of the sexual drive in addition to the murder characteristics of particular cruelty. Because the judges determined the particular severity of the guilt, early release after 15 years is ruled out.

Quick catch

Apparently, the accused had fallen in love with the 21-year-old woman. However, she did not return the feelings. After the crime, the 31-year-old had withdrawn 1,000 euros from the victim’s account card and then fled to Spain. There the police were able to arrest him at a toll station on the motorway.

Investigators tracked him down because his mobile phone was connected to the 21-year-old’s WiFi router at the time of the crime. Location data finally indicated his whereabouts in Spain.

The defendant remained silent during the trial. He is said to have admitted the crime in letters to friends. In his last word before the reasons for the verdict, he only said: “My defense lawyer has summarized everything impressively. I would like to agree with him.”

The verdict is not yet legally binding.


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