Trial: Man is said to have blackmailed customers as a false escort lady

Man is said to have blackmailed customers as a false escort lady

The 37-year-old is currently being charged in the Berlin district court. The charges include extortion and fraud. photo

© Sonja Wurtscheid/dpa

He thought “that it’s not that bad”: A man is said to have made loot of almost 5,000 euros by posing as an escort lady. He also threatened to be kidnapped.

Because he offered his company as an escort lady on the Internet and is said to have stolen almost 5,000 euros from two interested parties, a 37-year-old is before the Berlin district court. The charges include extortion and fraud.

The man, who is listed by the prosecutor as an adult intensive offender, admitted to the swindle as an alleged evening companion at the beginning of the trial on Thursday. He thought “that it’s not that bad” and that he “can get money without hitting,” said the 37-year-old.

In April 2022, the man was initially booked by a then 58-year-old via an internet platform as an alleged escort lady. In the following days, according to the indictment, he posed to the customer as the driver of the alleged escort lady and then as her offended husband. In this role he demanded “blood or honor” and extorted money. A few weeks later he wrote a note in the victim’s mailbox threatening kidnapping, which could be prevented with a payment of 2,000 euros. Each time the customer paid – a total of 4320 euros.

Prey is said to have funded drug use

In June 2022, the accused is said to have been booked by another interested party as an alleged escort lady. When the then 32-year-old customer canceled the meeting, the 37-year-old, threatening to use force, demanded alleged fees and money because of the lack of an apology for the cancellation. The accused went on to say that he used the money to finance his drug use at the time.

The 37-year-old is charged in another charge with dangerous bodily harm and robbery, among other things. In one case, he is said to have snatched a cell phone from a woman and beat her. The trial will resume on February 28th.


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