Trial begins against alleged Reich citizen for multiple attempted murder

Ingo K. is said to have shot at the police officers who wanted to search his house for two hours with a rapid-fire rifle. Since Wednesday, the alleged “Reich citizen” has been before the Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart-Stammheim for multiple attempted murders.

By Hannah Moller

Ingo K. enters meeting room 2 of the trial building in Stuttgart-Stammheim in handcuffs. The 55-year-old wears a goatee, has toned shoulders and a braid in his hair. He sends a friendly “Good morning” to the bench. It almost looks like he’s in a good mood. From time to time he looks over to the audience area with a mischievous smile and runs his tattooed hand through his slightly gray beard.

It’s the day of the indictment. Today he has to answer in court for attempted murder, among other things, for an act that is said to have taken place on April 20, 2022. Because of the special importance of the case, Attorney General Peter Frank took over the investigation.

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