Trial against Lower Franconia district presidents in July – Bavaria

Lower Franconia’s District President Erwin Dotzel has to answer for insults on July 14 at the district court in Obernburg. Only one day of trial is scheduled, a judgment could be made on the same day, a court spokeswoman said on Tuesday. Only the alleged injured party was invited as a witness.

The public prosecutor’s office in Aschaffenburg accuses Dotzel of having called a fellow party member a “right louse” in a group chat of the CSU local branch in Wörth am Main last September. Therefore, the authority had applied to the district court for the issuance of a penalty order for insult and the imposition of a fine – the court complied. Dotzel should therefore pay 20 daily rates of 160 euros each. He lodged an objection to this, so it is now going to a main hearing. Dotzel must appear in court in person. He has been District President since 2007. Insult can be punished with imprisonment or a fine.

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