Trial against Alfons Schuhbeck: prison sentence for the cook – Munich

Alfons Schuhbeck has said he fears imprisonment. That his life’s work lies in ruins. He just told the truth way too late. About the deep fall of a highly decorated man.


Annette Ramelsberger

The man who is now walking up the five marble steps to courtroom 134 in the Munich Palace of Justice in a black suit and handkerchief has decided to suppress his fear. He’s also been working the past few days, ordering supplies, squashing suppliers. He acted as if this trial in the Munich Palace of Justice didn’t even exist. And even in court he told his stories, about Hippocrates and Benedict of Nursia and Marc Aurel’s personal physician. How those with garlic and ginger healed and how the Greeks braided rosemary into the students’ hair so that they could better remember what they had learned. And then, of course, Alfons Schuhbeck also tells us that he offers the “Black Madonna Salt” in his spice shop in Altötting as a refreshment for the pilgrims. Doesn’t make you happy, but people just buy it.

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